

“Learning is not compulsory… Neither is survival.”


What a time to be alive. No other time in history has photography and business been so accessible. When I first picked up a camera, I was so hungry for information, but all I had available to me was a few dusty books from the 80s at my local library about how to take school portraits.

I've created the educational materials I so hungered for when I first started out. No fluff. No unnecessary charts and graphs. Just the good stuff. The info that takes your creative vision to the next level and gives you the tangible tools to execute the photos you want to take.

Photo Summits

Intimate retreats for photographers to learn all things photo and business in a supportive and collaborative community. Stay in beautiful places. Meet fellow kind souls. See how other photographs approach a shoot, how they edit, learn how they work with couples, and leave with tangible portfolio pieces.


MAY 2025
the deets

client communication | branding | websites | the creative life | burnout | storytelling | posing | social media | editing | pricing | finding inspiration | creative challenges to stretch your mind | styled shoots | community

Each month, I provide a free resource to my patreon subscribers. All of the past freebies are available to you if you sign up for a free account.

I want photography education to be accessible to all. Who has time for elitism and cool kids clubs? No thank you. Join a supportive community where we learn how to craft and execute our creative visions.

Whether you're just starting out or you've been in this game for years but are looking for a breath of fresh air, come join us. Let's break stuff, do the weird thing, overcome plateaus, and cultivate a community of artists pursuing their unique vision of the world.


My Patreon

If you’ve ever felt like you’re wandering through the wilderness of the photography world alone, this is the place for you. I created this space because I remember all too well the struggles of finding meaningful, actionable advice amidst a sea of ego-driven online courses and forgettable tutorials. Whether you're battling creative doubts, technical hurdles, or the ever-intimidating aspects of turning a profit in this photo world, my Patreon is designed to address these challenges directly and intimately.

Here, you’ll gain exclusive access to my comprehensive resources that I’ve crafted based on my own experiences and the needs of photographers like you. From detailed tutorials and behind-the-scenes content to live Q&A sessions and community critiques, every piece of content is aimed at fostering your growth and pushing your creative boundaries. This platform isn’t just about learning photography—it’s about building a supportive network where each of us can thrive, share, and innovate together. Join me on Patreon, and let’s elevate our craft in a way that’s as unique as our visions.

I felt like I'd reached a plateau with my work and was struggling to find inspiration

Here's the thing: After more than ten years of photographing weddings, I felt like I'd reached a plateau with my work and was struggling to find inspiration. Brandi gave me a series of assignments that really helped me rediscover why I love creating images. Not only did my client work become more inspired, but for the first time in a long time, I felt excited enough about creating to start multiple personal projects. (Actually, I owe you an apology Brandi because I never finished all the assignments because I got distracted by making new work.) Throughout the whole process, Brandi was an open book and had extremely insightful input for all other aspects of running a photography business. She has a great gift for getting to the heart of things and analyzing it and explaining it clearly. Mentoring with Brandi truly saved me from having to get a real job. Also, you get to meet her dogs.


Brandi helped me find my creative voice again.

With Brandi, it wasn’t your typical we meet on a zoom and chat for a few hours. It was a WHOLE MONTH LONG. With actual homework, shoots, and looking into my business as a whole. We had weekly check in’s, she reviewed my work, dissected my website, analyzed my processes, and helped me define & align the direction I wanted to take my business. The shoots that she had me do helped me to have to learn how to be creative in new ways. With limitations on different shoots I learned how to do and see things differently. The homework she gave me, helped me to understand my style of filmmaking and creative direction. It also showed me new ways to be excited and gain ideas.

For those looking for a mentorship with Brandi. Be ready for guidance, new perspectives, creative freedom, and reassurance of where you are at. It takes hard work & effort, but that’s what it should be. To say that I’m thankful for my mentorship with Brandi would be an understatement. Brandi helped me to find my creative voice again. For which I am so grateful for. It was worth everything I spent and more, and I gladly would have paid more.




Feeling stuck? Not getting the photos you want? Not getting the clients you want? Don't even know what to do next? My personalized 1-on-1 mentorship sessions are conducted in the comfort in your own home, on zoom, around your schedule. These sessions are like heart-to-heart conversations every photographer dreams of—where you can share your ideas, challenges, and aspirations with me, and together, we'll create a path forward to your success. Whether you're tweaking your technique, need help with client care, or simply in need of some inspiration, my mentorship is tailored to meet you where you are in your photographic journey.

Our sessions will be like a collaborative sandbox where I'll help you experiment, encourage questions, and show you how to explore new creative territories. Forget about fitting into a mold; this is about breaking the mold. I bring my wealth of experience, you bring your questions. It’s more than just learning to take great photos; it’s about crafting a vision that is unmistakably yours, and honing the skills to bring that vision to life. Join me and turn your photographic aspirations into tangible achievements. Onward and upward!

She’s not going to tell you what you want to hear; She’s going to tell you what you need to hear.

Brandi was so sweet, kind and open. She was knowledgeable and honest and had my best interests at heart. Pulling from her career experiences, struggles and joys, she’s going to listen to your goals and your interests and she’ll help you map out a plan to get there. This mentorship is a perfect mix of dreaming big and being strategic. And bonus points: you might get to see her dogs.


Her teaching was awe inspiring and made me want to create (said the burned out photographer)

I am not new to a workshop or retreat situation. The last one I went to was expensive and very egotistical. I felt awkward and unwelcome. With Brandi, I was immediately drawn to her kind soul. I had little in common with the people there but I didn’t once feel like I didn’t belong. Brandi created such a safe and comfortable environment that we all meshed so well. The shoots she put together gave many opportunities to allow that creativity to flow. I honestly cannot say enough good things about Brandi or her workshop... I believe the fact that most of us have already booked a spot for the next one speaks volumes not only of her but of the environment she created. If you want to invest in yourself, this is the absolute best place to be and I promise you will leave feeling confident and inspired.

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